Myths Surrounding Delta 8 THC
In 2021, Delta 8 THC gained massive popularity. However, unfortunately, strong myths cast a shadow on its admiration. As the structure of this compound is the same, the benefits and associated risks are also the same. Delta 8 is a compound among the long list of cannabinoids isolated from hemp and cannabis plants. For decades, this compound has been used for personalization and research applications. By then, many medical benefits of delta 8 also came to light. So, it's unfair to replace this compound with others just by believing the misconceptions. In this article, we will talk about the myths surrounding delta 8 THC regarding its uses. So, let's get started! #1 Delta 8 THC is Dangerous As delta 9 THC is rapidly replacing delta 8, many people thought its because of the unsafe structure of delta 8. Delta 8 and delta 9 are both structurally similar with various similar effects. However, the increase used on delta 9 over delta 8 is because of its more potent effects....